How Can You Get Your Kids Into Cooking? Try These 4 Tips

Teaching kids to cook can be a challenge, but the experience is worth it. Helping kids understand how their food goes from garden to table or fridge to pan is an important part of life. Cooking is a skill that can go a long way in helping kids (and adults) eat more nutritious, satisfying meals. The question is, how can you get kids into cooking? How do you get them excited to make their own food? Here are a few tips to get the ball rolling. Kitchen Tools Give Kids (Some) Control in the Kitchen It’s time to give kids the keys to the kitchen! If your goal is to get them excited about cooking, baking, and food preparation, they need to feel like they’re in control. Start by assigning them specific tasks. Younger kids can help you gather ingredients from the fridge or pantry. They can also help measure and mix. Older kids can help with the more “intense” parts of cooking, such as chopping, mincing, grating, or using the stove. It’s all about showing kids the fundamentals...